and 'O'
, capture all regions surrounded by 'X'
.A region is captured by flipping all
s into 'X'
s in that surrounded region.For example,
X X X X X O O X X X O X X O X XAfter running your function, the board should be:
X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X---
Solution: Iterate through all non-edge cells in the board in any order. For each O, perform BFS to obtain all reachable O's. If the BFS did not find a way to the edge of the board, then mark all BFS-reachable cells as X.
public class Solution {
private final Set<Integer> seenOs = new HashSet<>();
private final Set<Integer> bfsSeenOs = new HashSet<>();
private final LinkedList<Integer> bfsQueue = new LinkedList<>();
private int height;
private int width;
private boolean foundWayOut;
public void solve(char[][] board) {
if (board.length == 0 || board[0].length == 0) return;
height = board.length;
width = board[0].length;
// No need to go through the cells at the board edges since we will never
// convert them to X's.
for (int y = height - 2; y >= 1; y--) {
for (int x = width - 2; x >= 1; x--) {
// If this is an X, ignore it since we cannot do anything with it.
if (board[y][x] == 'X') continue;
// Calculate the number this cell represents.
int n = (y * width) + x;
// If we have already visited this O, then skip it.
if (seenOs.contains(n)) continue;
// Perform BFS starting from current cell.
foundWayOut = false;
do {
int bfsN = bfsQueue.removeFirst();
int bfsY = bfsN / width;
int bfsX = bfsN % width;
// Check each neighbor to see if we should add it to the BFS queue.
if (bfsY > 0) bfsCheckAddNeighbor(board, bfsY - 1, bfsX);
if (bfsY < height - 1) bfsCheckAddNeighbor(board, bfsY + 1, bfsX);
if (bfsX > 0) bfsCheckAddNeighbor(board, bfsY, bfsX - 1);
if (bfsX < width - 1) bfsCheckAddNeighbor(board, bfsY, bfsX + 1);
} while (!bfsQueue.isEmpty());
// Mark all current BFS-reachable nodes as seen.
// If we did not find a way out, then change all reachable O's to X's.
if (!foundWayOut) {
for (int m: bfsSeenOs) {
board[m / width][m % width] = 'X';
private void bfsCheckAddNeighbor(char[][] board, int y, int x) {
// Skip all X's.
if (board[y][x] == 'X') return;
int n = (y * width) + x;
// If we have already visited this cell in this BFS, skip it.
if (bfsSeenOs.contains(n)) return;
// These two collections are very similar, but are used differently.
// The set is for quick add/get. The queue is for linear iteration.
// If this cell is at the edge of the board, then we have found a way out!
if (y == 0 || y == height - 1 || x == 0 || x == width - 1) {
foundWayOut = true;
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